HylaFAX Enterprise Guide for ODBC¶
HylaFAX Enterprise will utilize an ODBC connection for storing data regarding both inbound and outbound faxing. In the case of inbound faxing, it is possible to route incoming faxes using database rows which, presumably, some automated provisioning agent would be adding/populating.
In the case of outbound faxing, ODBC usage enables a data warehouse for reporting on fax traffic including final transmission status, bitrate, duration of transmission, the receiver’s station identifier, etc.
With clever use of stored procedures and triggers some business logic can added to both transmission and reception of faxes, and this is yet another point of integration in addition to the client/server protocol that some customers use to get data out of HylaFAX. For instance, if a received fax needs to be injected into some customer-facing application, you could execute a stored procedure to capture the fax (which can be stored in the database) and move it to a new table/schema.
This guide will explain how to use PostgreSQL and MariaDB on CentOS 7 64-bit with HylaFAX Enterprise.
Configure ODBC Database Server¶
PostgreSQL installation¶
# yum install postgresql-server postgresql-odbc
# postgresql-setup initdb
# systemctl enable postgresql
Configure PostgreSQL¶
Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Add the authentication line BEFORE the default ident lines:
local hylafax hylafax md5
host hylafax hylafax md5
host hylafax hylafax ::1/128 md5
If you need network access, use something like:
host hylafax hylafax md5
The file is well commented.
Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
Important variables are:
listen_addresses = 'localhost'
max_connections = 512
shared_buffers = 1024
max_connections needed are (minimum):
2 * N + 1 + n + H
N is the number of channels
1 is for faxq
n is the number of simultaneous faxq job preparations (n <= N)
H is the number of simultaneous hfaxd connections
Start PostgreSQL¶
# systemctl start postgresql
Create HylaFAX User/Database for PostgreSQL¶
# su - postgres
$ createdb hylafax
$ createuser -A -D -P hylafax
Password: ee
$ createlang plpgsql hylafax
$ exit
Import HylaFAX Schema¶
# psql -U hylafax hylafax < /var/spool/hylafax/ifax/sql/postgres.sql
Setup ODBC¶
Edit /etc/odbc.ini
Driver = /usr/lib64/psqlodbc.so
Database = hylafax
Server = localhost
UserName = hylafax
Password = ee
ReadOnly = No
Debug = 0
CommLog = 0
UseServerSidePrepare = 0
MariaDB installation¶
# yum install mariadb mariadb-server mysql-connector-odbc
# systemctl start mariadb
# systemctl enable mariadb
Create HylaFAX User/Database on MariaDB¶
# mysqladmin create hylafax
# mysql mysql
Execute these SQL queries:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hylafax.* TO 'hylafax'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ee';
If you need network access, use something like:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hylafax.* TO 'hylafax'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'ee';
Update privileges:
Import HylaFAX Schema¶
# mysql -uhylafax -pee hylafax < /var/spool/hylafax/ifax/sql/mysql.sql
Setup ODBC¶
Edit /etc/odbc.ini
Driver = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so
Database = hylafax
Server = localhost
User = hylafax
Password = ee
;ReadOnly = No
Test the ODBC Connection¶
Test the connection using isql hylafax
[root@hylafax ~]# isql hylafax
| Connected! |
| |
| sql-statement |
| help [tablename] |
| quit |
| |
SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM hylafax_statements;
| count |
| 13 |
SQLRowCount returns 1
1 rows fetched
SQL> quit
Configure HylaFAX Enterprise with ODBC¶
Create /var/spool/hylafax/etc/CONFIG/database
with the following content:
DataInitialize: "odbc: dsn=hylafax"
#DataOption: "odbc: username=hylafax"
#DataOption: "odbc: password=ee"
DataSource: "FaxRecvInfo: odbc"
DataSource: "FaxAcctInfo: odbc"
Afterwards, configure your modem devices to include that file. For example, in
Include: etc/CONFIG/database
Next, restart faxgetty and/or btgetty proccesses in order to connect them to ODBC:
# for i in /var/spool/hylafax/FIFO.*; do echo Q > $i; done
If there is an ODBC connection problem, the faxgetty/btgetty processes will fail to start properly. You can verify whether there were errors while connecting to the database by executing:
# grep -i odbc /var/log/messages
If HylaFAX is having difficulty connecting to ODBC, try uncommenting the 'DataOption' lines above. Should you need to disable ODBC, simply comment out the Include line you added above.
Retrieving Data from ODBC¶
Here are sample SQL queries for retrieving records from the 'communication' table:
SELECT tstart, command, commid, jobid, mailaddr, dest, csi, npages, status FROM communication WHERE dest = '12155558774';
SELECT tstart, commid, device, jobid, npages, status FROM communication ORDER BY tstart DESC LIMIT 40;
A description of each column can be found in the xferfaxlog manpage.
Populating the Database¶
You can use the xferfaxlog2db.php script from http://people.ifax.com/~david/scripts/ to export your xferfaxlog data into the ODBC database. Only records not currently available in the database will be created.
Checking a job’s final status¶
The HylaFAX job 'status' is available in the 'status' column of the 'communication' table. On success, the status field will be empty. A call that ended with an error will report the error in the 'status' column. Please note that the /var/spool/hylafax/etc/xferfaxlog data and the 'communication' database table contain call detail records. If you want to know the final status of a job, it’s better to add that column to the database and then update it via the FaxNotify script.
For example, you’d add the following to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/FaxNotify
# Add final status (e.g. 'done', 'failed', etc) to the communication table
# See `man notify` for list of statuses
case "$WHY" in
blocked) ;;
requeued) ;;
*) echo "UPDATE communication SET finalstatus='$WHY' WHERE commid = '$COMMID'" | isql
You must apply the following schema change for both PostgreSQL and MariaDB:
ALTER TABLE communication ADD finalstatus VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL;
You must also apply the following schema change for MariaDB:
SELECT * FROM communication WHERE command = 'SEND' AND finalstatus is not null;
You can use the following queries to retroactively set the finalstatus column:
UPDATE communication SET finalstatus='done' WHERE command = 'SEND' AND finalstatus is null AND status is null;
UPDATE communication SET finalstatus='failed' WHERE command = 'SEND' AND finalstatus is null AND status like '%too many%';