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LDAP authentication for Hylafax and the web interface

To setup LDAP/Active Directory authentication on CentOS 7, using the following script:

When that’s complete, you can use the following utility for testing authentication with LDAP/AD:

/var/www/fax/tools/testpamauth.php username password

Keep in mind that an account must exist in the Web Interface already in order for the user to login after being authenticated over LDAP/AD. Accounts can be imported via the Admin Settings area of the Web Interface.

Afterwards, add the following to FaxDispatch:

SENDTO=ldapsearch -Hldap:// -LLL -x -D "CN=Fax Server,OU=System Accounts,DC=Example,DC=com" -y /etc/ldap.secret "facsimileTelephoneNumber=*$CALLID2" mail

You must update the LDAP connection parameters (ie: LDAP host, BaseDN, etc) in the command above.

In FaxDispatch, you must make sure that the SENDTO variable is not being overwritten later on FaxDispatch or FaxDispatch.appliance. Let me know and I can login to your server and help you configure this.

Place your ldap password in /etc/ldap.secret using the following commands:

printf "P@ssw0rd" > /etc/ldap.secret chmod 0600 /etc/ldap.secret